Downtime for Release 1.99 was 02/15/2023 from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM (ET). Downtime is to allow for the new version update to be applied to SmartWare
- An alert will trigger when a new customer is generated via website or call center and there was an issue validating the address.
- Alert will display as "[customer name] was just added and there was an issue validating their address. Please go to customer's page and correct it." Action Button will navigate to the customer record.
Communication History Screen
- Fixed issue to include the date range of the error that a user opens.
- The grid filters the work order number, email address or phone number from the item that was selected.
Text Messages
- Fixed issue to allow users to send URL links in text messages.
- Added feature to display route from technician starting location.
- Setup Franchise > User Define Values > Scheduler > check ‘Start travel logging from Tech Starting Location’
- NOTE: If this is not selected the routing will continue to function as previously.
- Material > Parts > Edit Part > Options > Global Inventory Search
- Added ‘X’ to close Global Inventory Search
- Added ‘Show All’ to Global Inventory Search
- Fixed refresh issue to allow user to navigate through the pages after clicking on the ‘In Stock’ red square.
Setup Franchise
Options > Locations
- When making a location inactive there is a new popup if the location has active parts.
- The user will receive a message ‘Deactivating this location will inactivate all of the parts on this location. Are you sure you want to proceed?’
- Selecting ‘Yes’ will deactivate the location and parts.
- Selecting ‘No’ will return to the location record.
SmartWare Header
Username dropdown > MRA Status Page
- MRA Status Page was added to the Username dropdown. This displays the current Operational System statuses.
Work Order
Scheduler >Bucket Counts for Job Skill
- Fixed an issue with bucket counts where the count was not taking in consideration of Job Skill. Job Skill is now being used when calculating bucket counts.
Work Order
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the Simple Scheduler from loading when a job on the same day didn't have a latitude or longitude selected.