Downtime for Release 2.00 was 04/19/2023 from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM (ET). Downtime is to allow for the new version update to be applied to SmartWare.
Invoicing > AR All
- Added Statement Email options.
- 'Statements'
- 'Statement - Email' was renamed to 'Statements - Email to Customer'
- 'Statements - Email to User' was added and this will email all selected statements to the user.
- Fixed Address 2 line will now be included on the Customer Statement
Quickbooks Setup Screen > QBO Close Date
- Added warning message when closing a period that states "Setting a QB Close Date of mm/dd/yyyy will change the date of any invoices/payments with a date prior to mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy +1 when it is transfered to QBO. Are you sure you want to set a Close Date?"
Menu Pricing Guide
- After saving a task, the labor value can be added immediately without saving for a second time
- Fixed issue where the user was able to copy an empty MPG
Customer > Communications
- The 'Make Primary' button is disable for any numbers with the type of 'Fax'
Owners Dashboard
- Fixed Filter by Territory to correctly use the territory on the Work Order and not the territory on the zone.
- Revenue Grid now has the Warranty columns split in categories.
- Columns added
- Done Right
- Extended
- Home
- Manufacturer
- Percentages were added to the Labor, Parts and Revenue rows
- Columns added
- Counts Grid now has the Warranty columns split in categories.
- Columns added
- Done Right
- Extended
- Home
- Manufacturer
- Added Average Service Cycle row with tooltip
- Tooltip reads: Represents the average number of days it takes for a work order to be completed, from start (1st time WO marked active) to finish (WO marked Tech Completed).
- Added a Warranty Type Column on the Export and Email. This displays the warranty selected on the work order.
- Columns added
Access Control > User Name
- Fixed issue with Technician Username. A space is no longer allowed between the Username. All current Usernames that include a space will still work as usual.
Locations > Location Inventory
- Added new ‘Select Locations’ dropdown menu
- This list is populated based on Setup > Options > Location and displays the location by Name
Locations > Part Detail: Location Grid
- Parts will now display when the location has a quantity of ‘0’ and there are reorder points.
- The import button will deactivate if more than one location is selected.
- Fixed Parts Search grid to accurately display active or inactive status of part. The status will be the same on the Parts record when you edit the part from the Parts Search.
- Fixed issue where the cursor jumps ahead when typing in a part cost.
Physical Inventory Scan
- Inactive Parts on a PO will not be included in the Total Cost
- ‘Export’ button added
- Physical Inventory Scan > Review > ‘Export’ button added tooltip ‘Export list of WOs not reviewed but that contain inventory scan parts’
Purchase Order
- Inactive Parts on a PO will not be included in the Total Cost
- The ‘Ship To’ location will not display as an option is there is no Expected Receive location.
Communication History Report
- Fixed formatting when exporting
- Fixed issue where the Date Sent information was not populating upon export
Equipment Report
- Fixed formatting when exporting
Jobs for next 5 Days Report
- Add column to display Customer Primary Phone Number
- Add column to display Customer Name
- Rename column heading ‘Full Name’ to ‘Technician’
- Add Title to report page: Include Name of Report, Date Range of report. In addition, consider adding date/time when report was run.
Monthly Sales Comparison
- Fixed issue where the report errors out if there is no sales data
Tech Adjustments Report
- Fixed issue where the export was downloading ‘ALL’ and not based on the criteria that was selected.
Work Order Source Report
- New Report displays WO Revenue by Source Type
Setup Franchise
Setup > Options
- Removed ‘Franchise Sales Goals’ from Option List
Setup > Options > Postal Codes
- Change was made to the ‘export’ so that the Postal code would only be listed once.
- Added Tax Authority row
- Added a Tax Authority column that shows all the tax authorities the postal code is in
Work Order
- Fixed an issue on the WO Combined View where the note was not displaying after adding it in Standard WO view. The note created in Standard WO view now will display in WO Combined View.
- The WO will not allow you to select inactive equipment.
Work Order > Notes
- Added ability to edit the Note Types of ‘Technician Alert’ and ‘Office Alert’.
- The following User Roles will have edit capabilities
- Owner
- Manager
- The following User Roles will have edit capabilities